
List of items returned by the API are paginated using cursor based pagination. Cursor-based pagination works by returning an alphanumeric pointer to a specific item in the list - for the Frill API this is the last item in the list.

Subsequent requests to the API can be passed this alphanumeric pointer to return the next set of results after the given pointer.

An API response that contains a list of items will contain a pagination object (see example below) containing information about the list of items, such as:- the count of items return, the total number of items and the endCursor which can be used to get the next set of results.

The cursor is returned in the pagination.endCursor field should be passed to the next request as an after parameter - eg:


Pagination request params



Provide a cursor to get the results after the pointer/item


The number of items to return. Can't be be greater than 100


Pagination result fields



Total number of available items


Number of items in current response


Is another page of items available


Cursor for the start of the results


Cursor for the end of the results. Should be passed as the after param to subsequent request to get next set of results

See example below

  "data": [...],
  "pagination": {
    "total ": 20,
    "count ": 2,
    "hasNextPage ": true,
    "startCursor ": "CURSOR",
    "endCursor ": "CURSOR"

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